Monday, September 9, 2024

Dealing with Aging: Updating the Intel, Walgreens and Starbucks Stories!

      A few weeks ago, I posted on the corporate life cycle, the subject of my latest book. I argued that the corporate life cycle can explain what happens to companies as they age, and why they  have to adapt to aging with their actions and choices. In parallel, I also noted that investors have to change the way they value and price companies, to reflect where they are in the life cycle, and how different investment philosophies lead you to concentrated picks in different phases of the life cycle. In the closing section, I contended that managing and investing in companies becomes most difficult when companies enter the last phases of their life cycles, with revenues stagnating or even declining and margins under pressure. While consultants, bankers and even some investors push companies to reinvent themselves, and find growth again, the truth is that for most companies, the best pathway, when facing aging, is to accept decline, shrink and even shut down. In this post, I will look at three high profile companies, Intel, Starbucks and Walgreens, that have seen market turmoil and management change, and examine what the options are for the future.

Setting the stage

    The three companies that I  picked for this post on decline present very different portraits. Intel was a tech superstar not that long ago, a company founded by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Arthur Rock in 1968, whose computer chips have helped create the tech revolution. Walgreens is an American institution, founded in Chicago in 1901, and after its merger with Alliance Boots in 2014, one of the largest pharmacy chains in the country.  Finally, Starbucks, which was born in 1971 as a coffee bean wholesaler in Pike Place Market in Seattle, was converted into a coffee shop chain by Howard Schultz, and to the dismay of Italians, has redefined espresso drinks around the world. While they are in very different businesses, what they share in common is that over the recent year or two, they have all not only lost favor in financial markets, but have also seen their business models come under threat, with their operating metrics (revenue growth, margins) reflecting that threat.

The Market turns

    With hundreds of stocks listed and traded in the market, why am I paying attention to these three? First, the companies are familiar names. Our personal computes are often Intel-chip powered, there is a Walgreen's a few blocks from my home, and all of us have a Starbucks around the corner from where we live and work. Second, they have all been in the news in the last few weeks, with Starbucks getting a new CEO, Walgreens announcing that they will be shutting down hundreds of their stores and Intel coming up in the Nvidia conversation, often as a contrast. Third, they have all seen the market turn against them, though Starbucks has had a comeback after its new CEO hire.

None of the three stocks has been a winner over the last five years, but the decline in Intel and Walgreen's has been precipitous, especially int he last three years. That decline has drawn the usual suspects. On  the one hand are the knee-jerk contrarians, to whom a drop of this magnitude is always an opportunity to buy, and on the other are the apocalyptists, where large price declines almost always end in demise. I am not a fan of either extreme, but it is undeniable that both groups will be right on some stocks, and wrong on others, and the only way to tell the difference is to look at each of the companies in more depth.

A Tech Star Stumbles: Intel’s Endgame

    In my book on corporate life cycles, I noted that even superstar companies age and lose their luster, and Intel could be a case study. The company is fifty six years old (it was founded in 1968) and the question is whether its best years are behind it. In fact, the company's growth in the 1990s to reach the peak of the semiconductor business is the stuff of case studies, and it stayed at the top for longer than most of its tech contemporaries. Intel's CEO for  its glory years was Andy Grove, who joined the company on its date of incorporation in 1968, and stayed on to become chairman and CEO before stepping down in 1998. He argued for constant experimentation and adaptive leadership, and the title of his book, "Only the Paranoid Survive", captured his management ethos. 

    To get a measure of why Intel's fortunes have changed in the last decade, it is worth looking at its key operating metrics - revenues, gross income and operating income - over time:

As you can see in this graph, Intel's current troubles did not occur overnight, and its change over time is almost textbook corporate life cycle. As Intel has scaled up as a company, its revenue growth has slackened and its growth rate in the last decade (2012-21) is more reflective of a mature company than a growth company. That said, it was a healthy and profitable company during that decade, with solid unit economics (as reflected in its high gross margin) and profitability (its operating margin was higher in the last decade than in prior periods). In the last three years, though, the bottom seems to fallen out of Intel's business model, as revenues have shrunk and margins have collapsed. The market has responded accordingly, and Intel, which stood at the top of the semiconductor business, in terms of market capitalization for almost three decades, has dropped off the list of top ten semiconductor companies in 2024, in market cap terms:

Intel's troubles cannot be blamed on industry-wide issues, since Intel's decline has occurred at the same time  (2022-2024) as the cumulative market capitalization of semiconductor companies has risen, and one of its peer group (Nvidia) has carried the market to new heights. 

    Before you blame the management of Intel for not trying hard enough to stop its decline, it is worth noting that if anything, they have been trying too hard. In the last few years, Intel has invested massive amounts into its chip manufacturing business (Intel Foundry), trying to compete with TSMC, and almost as much into its new generation of AI chips, hoping to claim market share of the fastest growing markets for AI chips from Nvidia. In fact, a benign assessment of Intel would be that they are making the right moves, but that these moves will take time to pay off, and that the market is being impatient. A not-so-benign reading is that the market does not believe that Intel can compete effectively against either TSMC (on chip manufacture) or Nvidia (on AI chip design), and that the money spent on both endeavors will be wasted. The latter group is clearly winning out in markets, at the moment, but as I will argue in the next section, the question of whether Intel is a good investment at its current depressed price may rest in which group you think has right on its side.

Drugstore Blues: Walgreen Wobbles

    From humble beginnings in Chicago, Walgreen has grown to become a key part of the US health care system as a dispenser of pharmacy drugs and products. The company went public in 1927, and in the century since, the company has acquired the characteristics of a mature company, with growth spurts along the way. Its acquisition of a significant stake in Alliance Boots gave it a larger global presence, albeit at a high price, with the acquisition costing $15.3 billion. Again, to understand, Walgreen's current position, we looked at the company's operating history by looking revenue growth and profit margins over time:

After double digit growth from 1994 to 2011, the company has struggled to grow in a business, with daunting unit economics and slim operating margins, and the last three years have only seen things worsen on all fronts, with revenue growth down, and margins slipping further, below the Maginot line; with an 1.88% operating margin, it is impossible to generate enough to cover interest expenses and taxes, thus triggering distress.

    While management decisions have clearly contributed to the problems, it is also true that the pharmacy business, which forms Walgreen's core, has deteriorated over the last two years, and that can be seen by comparing its market performance to CVS, its highest profile competitor. 

As you can see, both CVS and Walgreens have seen their market capitalizations drop since mid-2022, but the decline in Walgreens has been far more precipitous than at CVS; Walgreens whose market cap exceeded that of CVS in 2016 currently has one tenth of the market capitalization of CVS. In response to the slowing down of the pharmacy business, Walgreens has tried to find a pathway back to growth, albeit with acquired growth. A new CEO, Roz Brewer, was brought into the company in 2021, from Sam's Club, and wagered the company's future on acquisitions, buying four companies in 2021, with a majority stake in Village MD, a chain of doctor practices and clinics, representing the biggest one. That acquisition, which cost Walgreens $5.2 billion, has been more cash drain than flow, and in 2024, Ms. Brewer was replaced as CEO by Tim Wentworth, and Village MD scaled back its growth plans.

Venti no more The Humbling of Starbucks

    On my last visit to Italy, I did make frequent stops at local cafes, to get my espresso shots, and I can say with confidence that none of them had a  caramel macchiato or  an iced brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso on the menu. Much as we make fun of the myriad offerings at Starbucks, it is undeniable that the company has found a way into the daily lives of many people, whose day cannot begin without their favorite Starbucks drink in hand. Early on, Starbucks eased the process by opening more and more stores, often within blocks of each other, and more recently, by offering online ordering and pick up, with rewards supercharging the process. Howard Schultz, who nursed the company from a single store front in Seattle to an ubiquitous presence across America, was CEO of the company from 1986, and while he retired from the position in 2000, he returned from 2008 to 2017, to restore the company after the financial crisis, and again from 2022 to 2023, as an interim CEO to bridge the gap between the retirement of Kevin Johnson in 2022 and the hiring of Laxman Narasimhan in 2023. To get a measure of how Starbucks has evolved over time, I looked the revenues and margins at the company, over time:

Unlike Intel and Walgreens, where the aging pattern (of slowing growth and steadying margins) is clearly visible, Starbucks is a tougher case. Revenue growth at Starbucks has slackened over time, but it has remained robust even in the most recent period (2022-2024). Profit margins have actually improved over time, and are much higher than they were in the first two decades of the company's existence. One reason for improving profitability is that the company has become more cautious about store openings, at least in the United States, and sales have increased on a per-store basis:

In fact, the shift towards online ordering has accelerated this trend, since there is less need for expansive store locations, if a third or more of sales come from customers ordering online, and picking up their orders. In short, these graphs suggest that it is unfair to lump Starbuck with Intel and Walgreens, since its struggles are more reflecting of a growth company facing middle age.

    So, why the market angst? The first is that there are some Starbucks investors who continue to hold on to the hope that the company will be able to return to double digit growth, and the only pathway to get there requires that Starbucks be able to succeed in China and India. However, Starbucks has had trouble in China competing with domestic lower-priced competitors (Luckin' Coffee and others), and there are restrictions on what Starbucks can do with its joint venture with the Tata Group in India. The second problem is that the narrative for the company, that Howard Schultz sold the market on, where coffee shops become a gathering spot for friends and acquaintances, has broken down, partly because of the success of its online ordering expansion. The third problem is that inflation in product and employee costs has made its products expensive, leading to less spending even from its most loyal customers.

A Life Cycle Perspective

    It is undeniable that Intel and Walgreens  are in trouble, not just with markets but operationally, and Starbucks is struggling with its story line. However, they face different challenges, and perhaps different pathways going forward. To make that assessment, I will more use my corporate life cycle framework, with a special emphasis on the the choices that agin companies face, with determinants on what should drive those choices.

The Corporate Life Cycle

    I won't bore you with the details, but the corporate life cycle resembles the human life cycle, with start-ups (as babies), very young companies (as toddlers), high growth companies (as teenagers) moving on to mature companies (in middle age) and old companies facing decline and demise:

The phase of the life cycle that this post is focused on is the last one, and as we will see in the next section, it is the most difficult one to navigate, partly because shrinking as a firm is viewed as failure., and that lesson gets reinforced in business schools and books about business success. I have argued that more money is wasted by companies refusing to act their age, and much of that waste occurs in the decline phase, as companies desperately try to find their way back to their youth, and bankers and consultants egg them on.

The Choices

    There is no more difficult phase of a company's life to navigate than decline, since you are often faced with unappetizing choices. Given how badly we (as human beings) face aging, it should come as no surprise that companies (which are entities still run by human beings) also fight aging, often in destructive ways. In this section, I will start with what I believe are the most destructive choices made by declining firms, move on to a middling choice (where there is a possibility of success) before examining the most constructive responses to aging.

a. Destructive 

  1. Denial: When management of a declining business is in denial about its problems, attributing the decline in revenues and profit margins to extraordinary circumstances, macro developments or bad luck, it will act accordingly, staying with existing practices on investing, financing and dividends. If that management stays in place, the truth will eventually catch up with the company, but not before more money has been sunk into a bad business that is un-investable. 
  2. Desperation: Management may be aware that their business is in decline, but it may be incentivized, by money or fame, to make big bets (acquisitions, for example), with low odds, hoping for a hit. While the owners of these businesses lose much of the time, the managers who get hits become superstars (and get labeled as turnaround specialists) and increase their earning power, perhaps at other firms.
  3. Survival at any cost: In some declining businesses, top managers believe that it is corporate survival that should be given priority over corporate health, and they act accordingly. In the process, they create zombie or walking dead companies that survive, but as bad businesses that shed value over time.
b. It depends
  1. Me-too-ism: In this choice, management starts with awareness that their existing business model has run out of fuel and faces decline, but believe that a pathway exists back to health (and perhaps even growth) if they can imitate the more successful players in their peer groups. Consequently, their investments will be directed towards the markets or products where success has been found (albeit by others), and financing and cash return policies will follow. Many firms adopt this strategy find themselves at a disadvantage, since they are late to the party, and the winners often have moats that are difficult to broach or a head start that cannot be overcome. For a few firms, imitation does provide a respite and at least a temporary return to mature growth, if not high growth.
c. Constructive
  1. Acceptance: Some firms accept that their business is in decline and that reversing that decline is either impossible to do or will cost too much capital. They follow up by divesting poor-performing assets, spinning off or splitting off their better-performing businesses, paying down debt and returning more cash to the owners. If they can, they settle in on being smaller firms that can continue to operate in subparts of their old business, where they can still create value, and if this is not possible, they will liquidate and go out of business.
  2. Renewals and Revamps: In a renewal (where a company spruces up its existing products to appeal to a larger market) or a revamp (where it adds to its products and service offering to make them more appealing), the hope is that the market is large enough to allow for a return to steady growth and profitability. To pull this off, managers have to be clear eyed about what they offer customers, and recognize that they cannot abandon or neglect their existing customer base in their zeal to find new ones.
  3. Rebirths: This is perhaps every declining company's dream, where you can find a new market or product that will reset where the company in the life cycle. This pitch is powered by case studies of companies that have succeeded in pulling off this feat (Apple with the iPhone, Microsoft with Azure), but these successes are rare and difficult to replicate. While one can point to common features including visionary management and organic growth (where the new business is built within the company rather than acquired), there is a strong element of luck even in the success stories.

The Determinants

    Clearly, not all declining companies adopt the same pathway, when faced with decline, and more companies, in my view, take the destructive paths than the constructive one. To understand why and how declining companies choose to do what they do, you may want to consider the following:

  1. The Business: A declining company in an otherwise healthy industry or market has better odds for survival and recovery than one that is in a declining industry or bad business. With the three companies in our discussion, Intel's troubles make it an outlier in an otherwise healthy and profitable business (semiconductors), whereas Walgreens operates in a business (brick and mortar retail and pharmacy) that is wounded. Finally, the challenges that Starbucks faces of a saturated market and changing customer demands is common to large restaurants in the United States.
  2. Company's strengths: A company that is in decline may have fewer moats than it used to, but it can still hold on to its remaining strengths that draw on them to fight decline. Thus, Intel, in spite of its troubles in recent years, has technological strengths (people, patents) that may be under utilized right now, and if redirected, could add value. Starbucks remains among the most recognized restaurant brands in the world, but Walgreens in spite of its ubiquity in the United States, has almost no differentiating advantages.
  3. Governance: The decisions on what a declining firm should do, in the face of decline, are not made by its owners, but by its managers. If managers have enough skin in the game, i.e., equity stakes in the company, their decisions will be often very different than if they do not. In fact, in many companies with dispersed shareholding, management incentives (on compensation and recognition) encourage decision makers to go for long-shot bets, since they benefit significantly (personally) if these bets pay off and the downside is funded by other people's money. 
  4. Investors: With publicly traded companies, it is the investors who ultimately become the wild card, determining time horizon and feasible options for the company. To the extent that the investors in a declining company want quick payoffs, there will be pressure for companies to accept aging, and shrink or liquidate; that is what private equity investors with enough clout bring to the table. In contrast, if the investors in a declining company have much longer time horizons and see benefits from a turnaround, you are more likely to see revamps and renewals. All three of the companies in our mix are institutionally held, and even at Starbucks, Howard Schultz owns less than 2% of the shares. and his influence comes more from his standing as founder and visionary than from his shareholding.
  5. External factors: Companies do not operate in vacuums, and capital markets and governments can become determinants of what they do, when faced with decline. In general, companies that operate in liquid capital markets, where there are multiple paths to raise capital, have more options than companies than operate in markets where capital is scare or difficult to raise. Governments too can play a role, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, when help (and funding) flowed to companies that were too large to fail, and that we see continually in businesses like the airlines, where even the most damaged airline companies are allowed to limp along.
  6. Luck: Much as we would like to believe that our fates are in our own hands, the truth is that even the best-thought through response to decline needs a hefty dose of luck to succeed. 

    In the figure below, I summarize the discussion from this section, looking at both the choices that companies can make, and the determinants:

With this framework in place, I am going to try to make my best judgments (which you may disagree with) on what the three companies highlighted in this post should do, and how they will play out for me, as an investor:

  1. Intel: It is my view that Intel's problems stem largely from too much me-too-ism and aspiring for growth levels that they cannot reach. On both Ai and the chip manufacturing business, Intel is going up against competition (Nvidia on AI and TSMC on manufacturing) that has a clear lead and significant competitive advantages. However, the market is large enough and has sufficient growth for Intel to find a place in both, but not as a leader. For a company that is used to being at the top of the leaderboard, that will be a step down, but less ambition and more focus is what fits the company, at this stage in the life cycle. It is likely that even if it succeeds, Intel will revert to middle age, not high growth, but that should still make it a good investment. In the table below, you can see that at its prevailing stock price of $18.89 (on Sept 8, 2024), all you need is a reversion back towards more normal margins for the price to be justified:
    Download Intel valuation
    With 3% growth and 25% operating margins, Intel's value per share is already at $23.70 and any success that the company is in the AI chip market or benefits it derives from the CHIPs act, from federal largesse, are icing on the cake. I do believe that Intel will derive some payoff from both, and I am buying Intel, to twin with what is left of my Nvidia investment from six years ago.
  2. Walgreens: For Walgreens, the options are dwindling, as its core businesses face challenges. That said, and even with its store closures, Walgreens remains the second largest drugstore chain in the United States, after CVS. Shrinking its presence to its most productive stores and shedding the rest may be the pathway to survival, but the company will have to figure out a way to bring down its debt proportionately. There is the risk that a macro slowdown or a capital market shock, causing default risk and spreads to widen, could wipe out equity investors. With all of that said, and building in a risk of failure to the assessment, I estimated the value per share under different growth and profitability assumptions: 
    Download Walgreens valuation
    The valuation pivots entirely on whether operating margins improve to historical levels, with margins of 4% or higher translating into values per share that exceed the stock price. I believe that the pharmacy business is ripe for disruption, and that the margins will not revert back to pre-2021 levels, making Walgreens a "no go" for me.
  3. Starbucks: Starbucks is the outlier among the three companies, insofar as its revenue growth is still robust and it remains a money-making firm. Its biggest problem is that it has lost its story line, and it needs to rediscover a narrative that can not only give investors a sense of where it is going, but will redirect how it is managed. As I noted in my post on corporate life cycle, story telling requires visionaries, and in the case of Starbucks, that visionary also has to understand the logistical challenges of running coffee shops. I do not know enough about Brian Niccol to determine whether he fits the bill. As someone who led Taco Bell and Chipotle, I think that he can get the second part (understanding restaurant logistics) nailed down, but is he a visionary? He might be, but visionary CEOs generally do not live a thousand miles from corporate headquarters, and fly corporate jets to work part time at their jobs, and Niccol has provided no sense of what he sees as the new Starbucks narrative yet. For the moment, thought, there seems to be euphoria in the market that change is coming, though no one seems clear on what that change is, and the stock price has almost fully recovered from its swoon to reach $91 on September 8, 2024. That price is well above any value per share that I can get for the company, even assuming that they go back to historic norms:
    I must be missing some of the Starbucks magic that investors are seeing, since there is no combination of historical growth/margins that gets me close to the current stock price. In fact, the only way my value per share reaches current pricing levels is if I see the company maintaining its revenue growth rates from 2002-2011, while delivering the much higher operating margins that it earned between 2012-2021. That, to me, is a bridge too far to cross.

The Endgame

    There is a reason that so many people want to be entrepreneurs and start new businesses. Notwithstanding the high mortality rate, building a new business is exciting and, if successful, hugely rewarding. A healthy economy will encourage entrepreneurship, providing risk capital and not tilting the playing field towards established players; it remains the strongest advantage that the United States has over much of the rest of the world. However, it is also true that the measure of a healthy economy is in how it deals with declining businesses and firms. If as Joseph Schumpeter put it, capitalism is all about creative destruction, it follows that companies, which are after all legal entities that operate businesses, should fade away as the reasons for their existence fade. That is one reason I critique the entire notion of corporate sustainability (as opposed to planet sustainability), since keeping declining companies alive, and supplying them with additional capital, redirects that capital away from firms that could do far more good (for the economy and society) with that capital.

    If there is a subtext to this post, it is that we need a healthier framing of corporate decline, as inevitable at all firms, at some stage in their life cycle, rather than something that should be fought. In business schools and books, we need to highlight not just the empire builders and the company saviors, i.e., CEOs who rescued failing companies and made their companies bigger, but the empire shrinkers, i.e., CEOs who are brought into declining firms, who preside over an orderly (and value adding) shrinkage or breaking of their firms. In investing, it is true that the glory gets reserved for the Mag Seven and the FANGAM stocks, companies that seem to have found the magic to keep growing even as they scale up, but we should also pay attention to companies that find their way to deliver value for shareholders in bad businesses. 

YouTube Video


  1. Corporate Life Cycle (my blog post)
  2. Corporate Life Cycle (my book)


  1. Intel in September 2024
  2. Walgreens in September 2024
  3. Starbucks in September 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Power of Expectations: Nvidia's Earnings and the Market Reaction!

    Last Wednesday (August 28), the market waited with bated breath for Nvidia’s earning call, scheduled for after the market closed. That call, at first sight, contained exceptionally good news, with revenues and earnings coming in at stratospheric levels, and above expectations, but the stock fell in the aftermath, down 8% in Thursday’s trading. That drop of more than $200 billion in market capitalization in response to what looked like good news, at least on the surface, puzzled market observers, though, as is their wont, they had found a reason by day end. This dance between companies and investors, playing out in expected and actual earnings, is a feature of every earnings season, especially so in the United States, and it has always fascinated me. In this post, I will use the Nvidia earnings release to examine what news, if any, is contained in earnings reports, and how traders and investors use that news to reframe their thinking about stocks.

Earnings Reports: The Components
   When I was first exposed to financial markets in a classroom, I was taught about information being delivered to markets, where that information is processed and converted into prices. I was fascinated by the process, an interplay of accounting, finance and psychology, and it was the subject of my doctoral thesis, on how distortions in information delivery (delays, lies, mistakes) affects stock returns. In the real world, that fascination has led me to pay attention to earnings reports, which while overplayed, remain the primary mechanism for companies to convey information about their performance and prospects to markets.

The Timing
    Publicly traded companies have had disclosure requirements for much of their existence, but those requirements have become formalized and more extensive over time, partly in response to investor demands for more information and partly to even the playing field between institutional and individual investors. In the aftermath of the great depression, the Securities Exchange Commission was created as part of the Securities Exchange Act, in 1934, and that act also required any company issuing securities under that act, i.e., all publicly traded firms, make annual filings (10Ks) and quarterly filings (10Qs), that would be accessible to investors.
    The act also specifies that these filings be made in a timely manner, with a 1946 stipulation the annual filings being made within 90 days of the fiscal year-end, and the quarterly reports within 45 calendar days of the quarter-end. With technology speeding up the filing process, a 2002 rule changed those requirements to 60 days, for annual reports, and 40 days for quarterly reports, for companies with market capitalizations exceeding $700 million. While there are some companies that test out these limits, most companies file well within these deadlines, often within a couple of weeks of the year or quarter ending, and many of them file their reports on about the same date every year.
    If you couple the timing regularity in company filings with the fact that almost 65% of listed companies have fiscal years that coincide with calendar years, it should come as no surprise that earnings reports tend to get bunched up at certain times of the year (mid-January, mid-April, mid-July and mid-October), creating “earnings seasons”. That said, there are quite a few companies, many of them high-profile, that preserve quirky fiscal years, and since Nvidia’s earnings report triggered this post, it is worth noting that Nvidia has a fiscal year that ends on January 31 of each year, with quarters ending on April 30, July 31 and October 31. In fact, the Nvidia earnings report on August 28 covered the second quarter of this fiscal year (which is Nvidia's 2025 fiscal year).

The Expectations Game
    While corporate earnings reports are delivered once a quarter, the work of anticipating what you expect these reports to contain, especially in terms of earnings per share, starts almost immediately after the previous earnings report is delivered. In fact, a significant portion of sell side equity research is dedicated to this activity, with revisions made to the expected earnings, as you get closer and closer to the next earnings report. In making their earnings judgments and revisions, analysts draw on many sources, including:
  1. The company’s history/news: With the standard caveat that the past does not guarantee future results, analysts consider a company’s historical trend lines in forecasting revenues and earnings. This can be augmented with other information that is released by the company during the course of the quarter.
  2. Peer group reporting: To the extent that the company’s peer group is affected by common factors, it is natural to consider the positive or negative the operating results from other companies in the group, that may have reported earnings ahead of your company. 
  3. Other analysts’ estimates: Much as analysts claim to be independent thinkers, it is human nature to be affected by what others in the group are doing. Thus, an upward revision in earnings by one analyst, especially an influential one, can lead to revisions upwards on the part of other analysts.
  4. Macro news: While macroeconomic news (about the economy, inflation or currency exchange rates) cuts across the market, in terms of impact, some companies are more exposed to macroeconomic factors than others, and analysts will have to revisit earnings estimates in light of new information.
The earnings expectations for individual companies, from sell side equity research analysts are publicly accessible, giving us a window on trend lines. 
    Nvidia is one of the most widely followed companies in the world, and most of the seventy plus analysts who publicly follow the firm play the estimation game, leading into the earnings reports. Ahead of the most recent second quarter earnings report, the analyst consensus was that the company would report revenues of $28.42 billion for the quarter, and fully diluted earnings per share of 64 cents; in the 30 days leading into the report, the earnings estimates had drifted up mildly (about 0.1%), with the delay in the Blackwell (NVidia’s new AI chip) talked about but not expected to affect revenue growth near term. It is worth noting that not all analysts tracking the stock forecast every metric, and that there was disagreement among them, which is also captured in the range on the estimates; on earnings per share, for instance, the estimates ranged from 60 to 68 cents, and on revenues, from $26 to $30 billion.
    The pre-game show is not restricted to analysts and investors, and markets partake in the expectations game in two ways. 
  • Stock prices adjust up or down, as earnings expectations are revised upwards or downwards, in the weeks leading up to the earnings report. Nvidia, which traded at $104 on May 23rd, right after the company reported its results for the first quarter of 2024, had its ups and down during the quarter, hitting an all-time high of $135.58 on June 18, 2024, and a low of $92.06, on August 5, before ending at $125.61 on August 28, just ahead of the earnings report:

    During that period, the company also split its shares, ten to one, on June 10, a week ahead of reaching its highs.

  • Stock volatility can also changes, depending upon disagreements among analysts about expected earnings, and the expected market reaction to earnings surprises. That effect is visible not only in observed stock price volatility, but also in the options market, as implied volatility. For Nvidia, there was clearly much more disagreement among investors about the contents of the second quarter earnings report, with implied volatility spiking in the weeks ahead of the report: 
Source: Fintel
While volatility tends to increase just ahead of earnings reports, the surge in volatility ahead of the second quarter earnings for Nvidia was unusually large, a reflection of the disagreement among investors about how the earnings report would play out in the market. Put simply, even before Nvidia reported earnings on August 28, markets were indicating more unease about both the contents of the report and the market reaction to the report, than they were with prior earnings releases. 

The Event
    Given the lead-in to earnings reports, what exactly do they contain as news? The SEC strictures that companies disclose both annual and quarterly results have been buffered by accounting requirements on what those disclosures should contain. In the United States, at least, quarterly reports contain almost all of the relevant information that is included in annual reports, and both have suffered from the disclosure bloat that I called attention to in my post on disclosure diarrhea. Nvidia’s second quarter earnings report, weighing in at 80 pages, was shorter than its annual report, which ran 96 pages, and both are less bloated than the filings of other large market-cap companies.
    The centerpieces of the earnings report, not surprisingly, are the financial statements, as operating numbers are compared to expectations, and Nvidia’s second quarter numbers, at least at first sight, are dazzling:

The company’s astonishing run of the last few years continues, as its revenues, powered by AI chip sales, more than doubled over the same quarter last year, and profit margins came in at stratospheric levels.  The problem, though, is that the company's performance over the last three quarters, in particular, have created expectations that no company can meet. While it is just one quarter, there are clear signs of more slowing to come, as scaling will continue to push revenue growth down, the unit economics will be pressured as chip manufacturers (TSMC) push for a larger slice and operating margins will decrease, as competition increases.
    Over the last two decades, companies have supplemented the financial reports with guidance on key metrics, particularly revenues, margins and earnings, in future quarters. That guidance has two objectives, with the first directed at investors, with the intent of providing information, and the second at analysts, to frame expectations for the next quarter. As a company that has played the expectations game well, it should come as no surprise that Nvidia provided guidance for future quarters in its second quarter report, and here too, there were reminders that comparisons would get more challenging in future quarters, as they  predicted that revenue growth rates would come back to earth, and that margins would, at best, level off or perhaps even decline. 
    Finally, in an overlooked news story, Nvidia announced that it would had authorized $50 billion in buybacks, over an unspecified time frame. While that cash return is not surprising for a company that has became a profit machine, it is at odds with the story that some investors were pricing into the stock of a company with almost unlimited growth opportunities in an immense new market (AI). Just as Meta and Alphabet’s dividend initiations signaled that they were approaching middle age, Nvidia’s buyback announcement may be signaling that the company is entering a new phase in the life cycle, intentionally or by accident.

The Scoring
    The final piece of the earning release story, and the one that gets the most news attention, is the market reaction to the earnings reports. There is evidence in market history that earnings reports affect stock prices, with the direction of the effect depending on how actual earnings measure up to expectations. While there have been dozens of academic papers that focus on market reactions to earnings reports, their findings can be captured in a composite graph that classifies earnings reports into deciles, based upon the earnings surprise, defined as the difference between actual and predicted earnings:

As you can see, positive surprises cause stock prices to increase, whereas negative surprises lead to price drops, on the announcement date, but there is drift both before and after surprises in the same direction. The former (prices drifting up before positive and down before negative surprises) is consistent with the notion that information about earnings surprises leaks to markets in the days before the report, but the latter (prices continuing to drift up after positive or down after negative surprises) indicates a slow-learning market that can perhaps be exploited to earn excess returns. Breaking down the findings on earnings reports, there seems to be evidence that the that the earnings surprise effect has moderated over time, perhaps because there are more pathways for information to get to markets.
    Nvidia is not only one of the most widely followed and talked about stocks in the market, but one that has learned to play the expectations game well, insofar as it seems to find a way to beat them consistently, as can be seen in the following table, which looks at their earnings surprises over the last 5 years:
Nvidia Earnings Surprise (%)
Barring two quarters in 2022, Nvidia has managed to beat expectations on earnings per share every quarter for the last five years. There are two interpretations of these results, and there is truth in both of them. The first is that Nvidia, as with many other technology companies, has enough discretion in both its expenditures (especially in R&D) and in its revenue recognition, that it can use it to beat what analysts expect. The second is that the speed with which the demand for AI chips has grown has surprised everyone in the space (company, analysts, investors) and that the results reflect the undershooting on forecasts. 
    Focusing specifically on the 2025 second quarter, Nvidia beat analyst expectations, delivering earnings per share of 68 cents (above the 64 cents forecast) and revenues of $30 billion (again higher than the $28.4 billion forecast), but the percentage by which it beat expectations was smaller than in the most recent quarters. That may sound like nitpicking, but the expectations game is an insidious one, where investors move the goal posts constantly, and more so, if you have been successful in the past. On August 28, after the earnings report, Nvidia saw share prices drop by 8% and not only did that loss persist through the next trading day, the stock has continued to lose ground, and was trading at $106 at the start of trading on September 6, 2028.

Earnings Reports: Reading the Tea Leaves
    So what do you learn from earnings reports that may cause you to reassess what a stock is worth? The answer will depend upon whether you consider yourself more of a trader or primarily an investor. If that distinction is lost on you, I will start this section by drawing the contrast between the two approaches, and what each approach is looking for in an earnings report.

Value versus Price
    At the risk of revisiting a theme that I have used many times before, there are key differences in philosophy and approach between valuing an asset and pricing it.
  • The value of an asset is determined by its fundamentals – cash flows, growth and risk, and we attempt to estimate that value by bringing in these fundamentals into a construct like discounted cash flow valuation or a DCF. Looking past the modeling and the numbers, though, the value of a business ultimately comes from the story you tell about that business, and how that story plays out in the valuation inputs.
  • The price of an asset is set by demand and supply, and while fundamentals play a role, five decades of behavioral finance has also taught us that momentum and mood have a much greater effect in pricing, and that the most effective approach to pricing an asset is to find out what others are paying for similar assets. Thus, determining how much to pay for a stock by using a PE ratio derived from looking its peer group is pricing the stock, not valuing it.
The difference between investing and trading stems from this distinction between value and price. Investing is about valuing an asset, buying it at a price less than value and hoping that the gap will close, whereas trading is almost entirely a pricing game, buying at a low price and selling at a higher one, taking advantage of momentum or mood shifts. Given the very different perspectives the two groups bring to markets, it should come as no surprise that what traders look for in an earnings report is very different from what investors see in that same earnings report. 

Earnings Reports: The Trading Read
    If prices are driven by mood and momentum, it should come as no surprise that what traders are looking for in an earnings report are clues about how whether the prevailing mood and momentum will prevail or shift. It follows that traders tend to focus on the earnings per share surprises, since its centrality to the report makes it more likely to be a momentum-driver. In addition, traders are also swayed more by the theater around how earnings news gets delivered, as evidenced, for instance, by the negative reaction to a recent earnings report from Tesla, where Elon Musk sounded downbeat, during the earnings call. Finally, there is a significant feedback loop, in pricing, where the initial reaction to an earnings report, either online or in the after market, can affect subsequent reaction. As a trader, you may learn more about how an earnings report will play out by watching social media and market reaction to it than by poring over the financial statements.
    For Nvidia, the second quarter report contained good news, if good is defined as beating expectations, but the earnings beat was lower than in prior quarters. Coupled with sober guidance and a concern the stock had gone up too much and too fast, as its market cap had increased from less than half a trillion to three trillion over the course of two years, the stage was set for a mood and momentum shift, and the trading since the earnings release indicates that it has happened. Note, though, that this does not mean that something else could not cause the momentum to shift back, but before you, as an Nvidia manager or shareholder, are tempted to complain about the vagaries of momentum, recognize that for much of the last two years, no stock has benefited more from momentum than Nvidia.

The Investing Read
    For investors, the takeaways from earnings reports should be very different. If value comes from key value inputs (revenues growth, profitability, reinvestment and risk), and these value inputs themselves come from your company narrative, as an investor, you are looking at the earnings reports to see if there is information in them that would change your core narrative for the company. Thus, an earnings report can have a significant effect on value, if it significantly changes the growth, profitability or risk parts of your company’s story, even though the company’s bottom line (earnings per share) might have come in at expectations. Here are a few examples:
  • A company reporting revenue growth, small or even negligible for the moment, but coming from a geography or product that has large market potential, can see its value jump as a consequence. In 2012, I reassessed the value of Facebook upwards, a few months after it had gone public and seen its stock price collapse, because its first earnings report, while disappointing in terms of the bottom line, contained indications that the company was starting to succeed in getting its platform working on smart phones, a historical weak spot for the firm.
  • You can also have a company reporting higher than expected revenue growth accompanied by lower than anticipated profit margins, suggesting a changing business model, and thus a changed story and valuation. Earlier this year, I valued Tesla, and argued that their lower margins, while bad news standing alone, was good news if your story for Tesla was that it would emerge as a mass market automobile company, capable of selling more cars than Volkswagen and Toyota. Since the only pathway to that story is with lower-priced cars, the Tesla strategy of cutting prices was in line with that story, albeit at the expense of profit margins.
  • A company reporting regulatory or legal actions directed against it, that make its business model more costly or more risky to operate, even though its current numbers (revenues, earnings etc.) are unscathed (so far).
In short, if you are an investor, the most interesting components of the report are not in the proverbial bottom line, i.e., whether earnings per share came in below or above expectations, but in the details. Finally, as investors, you may be interested in how earnings reports change market mood, usually a trading focus, because that mood change can operate as a catalyst that causes the price-value gap to close, enriching you in the process. 

    The figure below summarizes this section, by first contrasting the value and pricing processes, and then looking at how earnings releases can have different meanings to different market participants. 

As in other aspects of the market, it should therefore come as no surprise that the same earnings report can have different consequences for different market participants, and it is also possible that what is good news for one group (traders) may be bad news for another group (investors). 

Nvidia: Earnings and Value
    My trading skills are limited, and that I am incapable of playing the momentum game with any success. Consequently, I am not qualified to weigh in on the debate on whether the momentum shift on Nvidia is temporary or long term, but I will use the Nvidia second quarter earnings report as an opportunity to revisit my Nvidia story and to deliver a September 2024 valuation for the company. My intrinsic valuation models are parsimonious, built around revenue growth, profit margins and reinvestment, and I used the second quarter earnings report to review my story (and inputs) on each one:

Nvidia: Valuation Inputs (Sept 2024)
With these input changes in place, I revalued Nvidia at the start of September 2024, breaking its revenues, earnings and cash flows down into three businesses: an AI chip business that remains its central growth opportunity, and one in which it has a significant lead on the competition, an auto chip business where it is a small player in a small game, but one where there is potential coming from demand for more powerful chips in cars, and the rest, including its existing business in crypto and gaming, where growth and margins are solid, but unlikely to move dramatically. While traders may be disappointed with Nvidia’s earnings release, and wish it could keep its current pace going, I think it is both unrealistic and dangerous to expect it to do so. In fact, one reason that my story for Nvidia has become more expansive, relative to my assessment in June 2023, is that the speed with which AI architecture is being put in place is allowing the total market to grow at a rate far faster than I had forecast last year. In short, relative to where I was about a year ago, the last four earnings reports from the company indicate that the company can scale up more than I thought it could, has higher and more sustainable margins than I predicted and is perhaps less exposed to the cycles that the chip business has historically been victimized by. With those changes in place, my value per share for Nvidia in  is about $87, still about 22% below the stock price of $106 that the stock was trading at on September 5, 2024, a significant difference but one that is far smaller than the divergence that I noted last year.

Download spreadsheet

As always, the normal caveats apply. The first is that I value companies for myself, and while my valuations drive my decisions to buy or sell stocks, they should not determine your choices. That is why my Nvidia valuation spreadsheet is available not just for download, but for modification, to allow you to tell your own story for Nvidia, yielding a different value and decision. The second is that this is a tool for investors, not traders, and if you are playing the trading game, you will have to reframe the analysis and think in terms of mood and momentum. Looking back, I am at peace with the decision made in the summer of 2023 to shed half my Nvidia shares, and hold on to half. While I left money on the table, with the half that I sold, I have been richly compensated for holding on to the other half. I am going to count that as a win and move on!

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Beat your Bot: Building your moat against AI

     It seems like a lifetime has passed since artificial intelligence (AI) became the market's biggest mover, but Open AI introduced the world to ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. While ChatGPT itself represented a low-tech variation of AI, it opened the door to AI not only as a business driver, but one that had the potential to change the way we work and live. In a post on June 30, 2023, I looked at the AI effect on businesses, arguing that it had the potential to ferment revolutionary change, but that it would also create a few big winners, a whole host of wannabes, and many losers, as its disruption worked its way through the economy. In this post, I would like to explore that disruption effect, but this time at a personal level, as we are warned that we risk being displaced by our AI counterparts. I want to focus on that question, trying to find the middle ground between irrational terror, where AI consigns us all to redundancy, and foolish denial, where we dismiss it as a fad.

The Damodaran Bot
    I was in the eleventh week of teaching my 2024 spring semester classes at Stern, when Vasant Dhar, who teaches a range of classes from machine learning to data science at NYU's Stern School (where I teach as well), and has forgotten more about AI than I will ever know, called me. He mentioned that he had developed a Damodaran Bot, and explained that it was an AI creation, which had read every blog post that I had ever written, watched every webcast that I had ever posted and reviewed every valuation that I had made public. Since almost everything that I have ever written or done is in the public domain, in my blog, YouTube videos and webpage, that effectively meant that my bot was better informed than I was about my own work, since its memory is perfect and mine is definitely not. He also went on to tell me that the Bot was ready for a trial run, ready to to value companies, and see how those valuations measured up against valuations done by the best students in my class.
    The results of the contest are still being tabulated, and I am not sure what results I would like to see, since either of the end outcomes would reflect poorly on me. If the Bot's valuations work really well, i.e., it values companies as well, or better, than the students in my class, that is about as strong a signal that I am facing obsolescence, that I can get. If the Bot's valuations work really badly, that would be a reflection that I have failed as a teacher, since the entire rationale for my postings and public valuations is to teach people how to do valuation.

Gauging the threat
    In the months since I was made aware of the Damodaran Bot, I have thought in general terms about what AI will be able to do as well or better than we can, and the areas where it might have trouble. Ultimately, AI is the coming together of two forces that have become more powerful over the last few decades. The first is increasing (and cheaper) computing power, often coming into smaller and smaller packages; our phones are now computationally more powerful than the very first personal computers. The second is the cumulation of data, both quantitative and qualitative, especially with social media accelerating personal data sharing. As an AI novice, it is entirely possible that I am not gauging the threat correctly, but there are three dimensions on which I see the AI playing out (well or badly).
  1. Mechanical/Formulaic vs Intuitive/Adaptable: Well before ChatGPT broke into the public consciousness,  IBM's Deep Blue was making a splash playing chess, and beating some of the world's greatest chess players. Deep Blue's strength at chess came from the fact that it had access to every chess game ever played (data) and the computing power to evaluate 200 million chess positions per second, putting even the most brilliant human chess player at a disadvantage. In contrast, AI has struggled more with automated driving, not because driving is mechanically complicated, but because there are human drivers on the surface roads, behaving in unpredictable ways. While AI is making progress on making intuitive leaps, and being adaptable, it will always struggle more on those tasks than on the purely mechanical ones.
  2. Rules-based vs Principle-based: Expanding the mechanical/intuitive divide, AI will be better positioned to work smoothly in rules-based disciplines, and will be at a disadvantage in principle-based disciplines. Using valuation to illustrate my point,  accounting and legal valuations are mostly rule-based, with the rules sometimes coming from theory and practice, and sometimes from rule writers drawing arbitrary lines in the sand. AI can not only replicate those valuations, but can do so at no cost and with a much closer adherence to the rules. In contrast, financial valuations done right, are built around principles, requiring judgment calls and analytical choices on the part of appraisers, on how these principles get applied, and should be more difficult to replace with AI.
  3. Biased vs Open minded: There is a third dimension on which we can look at how easy or difficult it will be for AI to replace humans and that is in the human capacity to bring bias into decisions and analyses, while claiming to be objective and unbiased. Using appraisal valuation to illustrate, it is worth remembering that clients often come to appraisers, especially in legal or accounting settings, with specific views about what they would like to see in their valuations, and want affirmation of those views from their appraisers, rather than the objective truth. A business person valuing his or her business, ahead of a divorce, where half the estimated value of that business has to be paid out to a soon-to-be ex-spouse, wants a low value estimate, not a high one, and much as the appraiser of the business will claim objectivity, that bias will find its way into the numbers and value. It is true that you can build AI systems to replicate this bias, but it will be much more difficult to convince those systems that the appraisals that emerge are unbiased.
Bringing this down to the personal, the threat to your job or profession, from AI, will be greater if your job is mostly mechanical, rule-based and objective, and less if it is intuitive, principle-based and open to biases. 

Responding to AI
   While AI, at least in its current form, may be unable to replace you at your job, the truth is that AI will get better and more powerful over time, and it will learn more from watching what you do. So, what can we do to make it more difficult to be outsourced by machines or replaced by AI? It is a question that I have thought about for three decades, as machines have become more powerful, and data more ubiquitous, and while I don't have all of the answers, I have four thoughts.
  1. Generalist vs Specialist: In the last century, we have seen a push towards specialization in almost every discipline. In medicine, the general practitioner has become the oddity, as specialists abound to treat individual organs and diseases, and in finance, there are specialists in sub-areas that are so esoteric that no one outside those areas can even comprehend the intricacies of what they do. In the process, there are fewer and fewer people who are comfortable operating outside their domains, and humanity has lost something of value. It is the point I made in 2016, after a visit to Florence, where like hundreds of thousands of tourists before me, I marveled at the beauty of the Duomo, one of the largest free-standing domes in the world, at the time of its construction. 

    The Duomo built by Filippo Brunelleschi, an artist who taught himself enough engineering and construction to be able to build the dome, and he was carrying on a tradition of others during that period whose interests and knowledge spanned multiple disciplines. In a post right after the visit, I argued that the world needed more Renaissance men (and women), individuals who can operate across multiple disciplines, and with AI looming as a threat, I feel even more strongly about this need. A Leonardo Da Vinci Bot may be able to match the master in one of his many dimensions (painter, sculptor, scientist), but can it span all of them? I don't think so!
  2. Practice bounded story telling: Starting about a decade ago, I drew attention to a contradiction at the heart of valuation practice, where as access to data and more powerful models has increased, in the last few decades, the quality of valuations has actually become worse. I argued that one reason for that depletion in quality is that valuations have become much too mechanical, exercises in financial modeling, rather than assessments of business quality and value. I went on to make the case that good valuations are bridges between stories and numbers, and wrote a book on the topic.

    At the time of the book's publication, I wrote a post on why I think stories make valuations richer and better, and with the AI threat looming, connecting stories to numbers comes with a bonus. If your valuation is all about extrapolating historical data on a spreadsheet, AI can do it quicker, and with far fewer errors than you can. If, however, your valuation is built around a business story, where you have considered the soft data (management quality, the barriers to entry), AI will have a tougher time replicating what you do. 
  3. Reasoning muscle: I have never been good at reading physical maps, and I must confess that I have completely lost even my rudimentary map reading skills, having become dependent on GPS to get to where I need to go. While this inability to read maps may not make or break me, there are other skills that we have has human beings, where letting machines step in and help us, because of convenience and speed, will have much worse long term consequences. In an interview I did on teaching a few years, I called attention to the "Google Search" curse, where when faced with a question, we often are quick to look up the answer online, rather than try to work out the answer. While that is benign, if you are looking up answers to trivia, it can be malignant, when used to answer questions that we should be reasoning out answers to, on our own. That reasoning may take longer, and sometimes even lead you to the wrong answers, but it is a learned skill, and one that I am afraid that we risk losing, if we let it languish. You may think that I am overreacting, but evolution has removed skill sets that we used to use as human beings, when we stopped using or needing them, and reasoning may be next on the list.
  4. Wandering mind: An empty mind may the devil's workshop, at least according to puritans, but it is also the birthplace for creativity. I have always marveled at the capacity that we have as human beings to connect unrelated thoughts and occurrences, to come up with marvelous insights. Like Archimedes in his bath and Newton under the apple tree, we too can make discoveries, albeit much weighty ones, from our own ruminations. Again, making this personal, two of my favorite posts had their roots in unrelated activities. The first one, Snowmen and Shovels, emerged while I was shoveling snow after a blizzard about a decade ago, and as I and my adult neighbors struggled dourly with the heavy snow, our kids were out building snowmen, and laughing.  I thought of a market analogy, where the same shock (snowstorm) evokes both misery (from some investors) and joy (on the part of others), and used it to contest value with growth investing. The second post, written more recently, came together while I walked my dog, and pondered how earthquakes in Iceland, a data leak at a genetics company and climate change affected value, and that became a more general discourse on how human beings respond (not well) to the possibility of catastrophes.  
It is disconcerting that on every one of these four fronts, progress has made it more difficult rather than less so, to practice. In fact, if you were a conspiracy theorist, you could spin a story of technology companies conspiring to deliver us products, often free and convenient to use, that make us more specialized, more one dimensional and less reason-based, that consume our free time. This may be delusional on my part, but if want to keep the Damodaran Bot at bay, and I take these lessons to heart, I should continue to be a dabbler in all that interests me, work on my weak side (which is story telling), try reasoning my way to answers before looking them up online and take my dog for more walks (without my phone accompanying me). 

Beat your bot!
    I am in an unusual position, insofar as my life’s work is in the public domain, and I have a bot with my name on it not only tracking all of that work, but also shadowing me on any new work that I do. In short, my AI threat is here, and I don’t have the choice of denying its existence or downplaying what it can do. Your work may not be public, and you may not have a bot with your name on it, but it behooves you to act like there is one that tracks you at your job.  As you consider how best to respond, there are three strategies you can try:
  1. Be secretive about what you do: My bot has learned how I think and what I do because everything I do is public - on my blog, on YouTube and in my recorded classes. I know that some of you may argue that I have facilitated my own disruption, and that being more secretive with my work would have kept my bot at bay. As a teacher, I neither want that secrecy, nor do I think it is feasible, but your work may lend itself better to this strategy. There are two reasons to be wary, though. The first is that if others do what you do, an AI entity can still imitate you, making it unlikely that you will escape unscathed. The second is that your actions may give away your methods and work process, and AI can thus reverse engineer what you do, and replicate it. Active investing, where portfolio managers claim to use secret sauces to find good investments, can be replicated at relatively low cost, if we can observe what these managers buy and sell. There is a good reason why ETFs have taken away market share from fund managers.
  2. Get system protection: I have bought and sold houses multiple times in my lifetime, and it is not only a process that is filled with intermediaries (lawyers, realtors, title deed checkers), all of whom get a slice from the deal, but one where you wonder what they all do in return for their fees. The answer often is not rooted in logic, but in the process, where the system (legal, real estate) requires these intermediaries to be there for the house ownership to transfer. This system protection for incumbents is not just restricted to real estate, and cuts across almost every aspect of our lives, and it creates barriers to disruption. Thus, even if AI can replicate what appraisers do, at close to no cost, I will wager that courts and accounting rule writers will be persuaded by the appraisal ecosystem that the only acceptable appraisals can come from human appraisers. 
  3. Build your moat: In business, companies with large, sustainable competitive advantages are viewed as having moats that are difficult to competitors to breach, and are thus more valuable. That same idea applies at the personal level, especially as you look at the possibility of AI replacing you. It is your job, and mine, to think of the moats that we can erect (or already have) that will make it more difficult for our bots to replace us. As to what those moats might be, I cannot answer for you, but the last section lays out my thinking on what I need to do to stay a step ahead.
Needless to say, I am a work in progress, even at this stage of my life, and rather than complain or worry about my bot replacing me, I will work on staying ahead. It is entirely possible that I am embarking on an impossible mission, but I will keep you posted on my progress (or absence of it). Of course, my bot can get so much better at what I do than I am, in which case, this blog may very well be written and maintained by it, and you will never know!

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Blog Posts (referenced)