Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Data Update 4 for 2025: Interest Rates, Inflation and Central Banks!

It was an interesting year for interest rates in the United States, one in which we got more evidence on the limited power that central banks have to alter the trajectory of market interest rates. We started 2024 with the consensus wisdom that rates would drop during the year, driven by expectations of rate cuts from the Fed. The Fed did keep its end of the bargain, cutting the Fed Funds rate three times during the course of 2024, but the bond markets did not stick with the script, and market interest rates rose during the course of the year. In this post, I will begin by looking at movements in treasury rates, across maturities, during 2024, and the resultant shifts in yield curves. I will follow up by examining changes in corporate bond rates, across the default ratings spectrum, trying to get a measure of how the price of risk in bond markets changed during 2024.

Treasury Rates in 2024

    Coming into 2024, interest rates had taken a rollicking ride, surging in 2022, as inflation made its come back, before settling in 2023. At the start of 2024, the ten-year treasury rate stood at 3.88%, unchanged from its level a year prior, but the 3-month treasury bill rate had climbed to 5.40%. In the chart below, we look the movement of treasury rates (across maturities) during the course of 2024:

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During the course of 2024, long term treasury rates climbed in the first half of the year, and dropped in the third quarter, before reversing course and increasing in the fourth quarter, with the 10-year rate ending  the year at 4.58%, 0.70% higher than at the start of the year. The 3-month treasury barely budged in the first half of 2024, declined in the third quarter, and diverged from long term rates and continued its decline in the last quarter, to end the year at 4.37%, down 1.03% from the start of the year. I have highlighted the three Fed rate actions, all cuts to the Fed Funds rate, on the chart, and while I will come back to this later in this post, market rates rose after all three.

    The divergence between short term and long term rates played out in the yield curve, which started 2024, with a downward slope, but flattened out over the course of the year:

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Writing last year about the yield curve, which was then downward sloping, I argued that notwithstanding prognostications of doom,  it was a poor prediction of recessions. This year, my caution would be to not read too much, at least in terms of forecasted economic growth, into the flattening or even mildly upward sloping yield curve. 
    The increase in long term  treasury rates during the course of the year was bad news for treasury bond investors, and the increase in the 10-year treasury bond rate during the course of the year translated into an annual return of -1.64% for 2024:

With the inflation of 2.75% in 2024 factored in, the real return on the 10-year bond is -4.27%. With the 20-year and 30-year bonds, the losses become larger, as time value works its magic. It is one reason that I argue that any discussion of riskfree rates that does not mention a time horizon is devoid of a key element. Even assuming away default risk, a ten-year treasury is not risk free, with a one time horizon, and a 3-month treasury is definitely not riskfree, if you have a 10-year time horizon.

The Drivers of Interest Rates

    Over the last two decades, for better or worse, we (as investors, consumers and even economics) seem to have come to accept as a truism the notion that central banks set interest rates. Thus, the answer to questions about past interest rate movements (the low rates between 2008 and 2021, the spike in rates in 2022) as well as to where interest rates will go in the future has been to look to central banking smoke signals and guidance. In this section, I will argue that the interest rates ultimately are driven by macro fundamentals, and that the power of central banks comes from preferential access to data about these fundamentals, their capacity to alter those fundamentals (in good and bad ways) and the credibility that they have to stay the course.

Inflation, Real Growth and Intrinsic Riskfree Rates

    It is worth noting at the outset that interest rates on borrowing pre-date central banks (the Fed came into being in 1913, whereas bond markets trace their history back to the 1600s), and that lenders and borrowers set rates based upon fundamentals that relate specifically to what the former need to earn to cover  expected inflation and default risk, while earning a rate of return for deferring current consumption (a real interest rate). If you set the abstractions aside, and remove default risk from consideration (because the borrower is default-free), a riskfree interest rate in nominal terms can be viewed, in its simplified form, as the sum of the expected inflation rate and an expected real interest rate:

Nominal interest rate = Expected inflation + Expected real interest rate

This equation, titled the Fisher Equation, is often part of an introductory economics class, and is often quickly forgotten as you get introduced to more complex (and seemingly powerful) monetary economics lessons. That is a pity, since so much of misunderstanding of interest rates stems from forgetting this equation. I use this equation to derive what I call an "intrinsic riskfree rate", with two simplifying assumptions:

  1. Expected inflation: I use the current year's inflation rate as a proxy for expected inflation. Clearly, this is simplistic, since you can have unusual events during a year that cause inflation in that year to spike. (In an alternate calculation, I use an average inflation rate over the last ten years as the expected inflation rate.)
  2. Expected real interest rate: In the last two decades, we have been able to observe a real interest rate, at least in the US, using inflation-protected treasury bonds(TIPs). Since I am trying to estimate an intrinsic real interest rate, I use the growth rate in real GDP as my proxy for the real interest rate. That is clearly a stretch when it comes to year-to-year movements, but in the long term, the two should converge.
With those simplistic proxies in place, my intrinsic riskfree rate can be computed as follows:
Intrinsic riskfree rate = Inflation rate in period t + Real GDP growth rate in period t
In the chart below, I compare my estimates of the intrinsic riskfree rate to the observed ten-year treasury bond rate each year:

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While the match is not perfect, the link between the two is undeniable, and the intrinsic riskfree rate calculations yield results that help counter the stories about how it is the Fed that kept rates low between 2008 and 2021, and caused them to spike in 2022. 

  • While it is true that the Fed became more active (in terms of bond buying, in their quantitative easing phase) in the bond market in the last decade, the low treasury rates between 2009 and 2020 were driven primarily by low inflation and anemic real growth. Put simply, with or without the Fed, rates would have been low during the period.
  • In 2022, the rise in rates was almost entirely driven by rising inflation expectations, with the Fed racing to keep up with that market sentiment. In fact, since 2022, it is the market that seems to be leading the Fed, not the other way around.
Entering 2025, the gap between intrinsic and treasury rates has narrowed, as the market consensus settles in on expectations that inflation will stay about the Fed-targeted 2% and that economic activity will be boosted by tax cuts and a business-friendly administration.

The Fed Effect

    I am not suggesting that central banks don't matter or that they do not affect interest rates, because that would be an overreach, but the questions that I would like to address are about how much of an impact central banks have, and through what channels. To the first question of how much of an impact, I started by looking at the one rate that the Fed does control, the Fed Funds rate, an overnight interbank borrowing rate that nevertheless has resonance for the rest of the market. To get a measure of how the Fed Funds rate has evolved over time, take a look at what the rate has done between 1954 and 2024:

As you can see the Fed Funds was effectively zero for a long stretch in the last decade, but has clearly spiked in the last two years. If the Fed sets rates story is right, changes in these rates should cause market set rates to change in the aftermath, and in the graph below, I look at monthly movements in the Fed Funds rate and two treasury rates - the 3-month T.Bill rate and the 10-year T.Bond rate.

The good news for the "Fed did it" story is that the Fed rates and treasury rates clearly move in unison, but all this chart shows is that Fed Funds rate move with treasury rates contemporaneously, with no clear indication of whether market rates lead to Fed Funds rates changing, or vice versa. To look at whether the Fed funds leads the rest of the market, I look at the correlation between changes in the Fed Funds rate and changes in treasury rates in subsequent months. 

As you can see from this table, the effects of changes in the Fed Funds rate on short term treasuries is positive, and statistically significant, but the relationship between the Fed Funds rate and 10-year treasuries is only 0.08, and barely meets the statistical significance test. In summary, if there is a case to be made that Fed actions move rates, it is far stronger at the short end of the treasury spectrum than at the long end, and with substantial noise in predictive effects. Just as an add on, I reversed the process and looked to see if the change in treasury rates is a good predictor of change in the Fed Funds rate and obtained correlations that look very similar. 

In short, the evidence is just as strong for the hypothesis that market interest rates lead the Fed to act, as they are for "Fed as a leader" hypothesis.
    As to why the Fed's actions affect market interest rates, it has less to do with the level of the Fed Funds rate and more to do with the market reads into the Fed's actions. Ultimately, a central bank's effect on market interest rates stems from three factors:
  1. Information: It is true that the Fed collects substantial data on consumer and business behavior that it can use to make more reasoned judgments about where inflation and real growth are headed than the rest of the market, and its actions often are viewed as a signal of that information. Thus, an unexpected increase in the Fed Funds rate may signal that the Fed sees higher inflation  than the market perceives at the moment, and a big drop in the Fed Funds rates may indicate that it sees the economy weakening at a time when the market may be unaware.
  2. Central bank credibility: Implicit in the signaling argument is the belief that the central bank is serious in its intent to keep inflation in check, and that is has enough independence from the government to be able to act accordingly. A central bank that is viewed as a tool for the government will very quickly lose its capacity to affect interest rates, since the market will tend to assume other motives (than fighting inflation) for rate cuts or raises. In fact, a central bank that lowers rates, in the face of high and rising inflation, because it is the politically expedient thing to do may find that market interest move up in response, rather than down.
  3. Interest rate level: If the primary mechanism for central banks signaling intent remains the Fed Funds rate (or its equivalent in other markets), with rate rises indicating that the economy/inflation is overheating and rate cuts suggesting the opposite, there is an inherent problem that central banks face, if interest rates fall towards zero. The signaling becomes one sided i.e., rates can be raised to put the economy in check, but there is not much room to cut rates. This, of course, is exactly what the Japanese central bank has faced for three decades, and European and US banks in the last decade, reducing their signal power.
The most credible central banks in history, from the Bundesbank in Deutsche Mark Germany to the Fed, after the Volcker years, earned their credibility by sticking with their choices, even in the face of economic disruption and political pushback. That said, in both these instances, central bankers chose to stay in the background, and let their actions speak for themselves. Since 2008, central bankers, perhaps egged on by investors and governments, have become more visible, more active and, in my view, more arrogant, and that, in a strange way, has made their actions less consequential. Put simply, the more the investing world revolves around FOMC meetings and the smoke signals that come out of them, the less these meetings matter to markets. 

Forecasting Rates
    I am wary of Fed watchers and interest rate savants, who claim to be able to sense movements in rates before they happen for two reasons. First, their track records are so awful that they make soothsayers and tarot card readers look good. Second, unlike a company's earnings or risk, where you can claim to have a differential advantage in estimating it, it is unclear to me what any expert, no matter how credentialed, can bring to the table that gives them an edge in forecasting interest rates. In my valuations, this skepticism about interest rate forecasting plays out in an assumption where I do not try to second guess the bond market and replace current treasury bond rates with fanciful estimates of normalized or forecasted rates. If you look back at my S&P 500 valuation in my second data post for this year, you will see that I left the treasury bond rate at 4.58% (its level at the start of 2025) unchanged through time.
     If you feel the urge to play interest forecaster, I do think that it is good practice to make sure that your views on the direction of interest rates are are consistent with the views of inflation and growth you are building into your cash flows. If you buy into my thesis that it is changes in expected inflation and real growth that causes rates to change in interest rates, any forecast of interest rates has be backed up by a story about changing inflation or real growth. Thus, if you forecast that the ten-year treasury rate will rise to 6% over the next two years, you have to follow through and explain whether rising inflation or higher real growth (or both) that is triggering this surge, since that diagnosis have different consequences for value. Higher interest rates driven by higher inflation will generally have neutral effects on value, for companies with pricing power, and negative effects for companies that do not. Higher interest rates precipitated by stronger real growth is more likely to be neutral for the market, since higher earnings (from the stronger economy) can offset the higher rates. The most empty forecasts of interest rates are the ones where the forecaster's only reason for predicting higher or lower rates is central banks, and I am afraid that the discussion of interest rates has become vacuous over the last two decades, as the delusion that the Fed sets interest rates becomes deeply engrained.

Corporate Bond Rates in 2024

    The corporate bond market gets less attention that the treasury bond market, partly because rates in that market are very much driven by what happens in the treasury market. Last year, as the treasury bond rate rose from 3.88% to 4.58%, it should come as no surprise that corporate bond rates rose as well, but there is information in the rate differences between the two markets. That rate difference, of course, is the default spread, and it will vary across different corporate bonds, based almost entirely on perceived default risk. 

Default spread = Corporate bond rate - Treasury bond rate on bond of equal maturity

Using bond ratings as measures of default risk, and computing the default spreads for each ratings class, I captured the journey of default spreads during 2024:

During 2024, default spreads decreased over the course of the year, for all ratings classes, albeit more for the lowest rated bonds. Using a different lexicon, the price of risk in the bond market decreased during the course of the year, and if you relate that back to my second data update, where I computed a price of risk for equity markets (the equity risk premium), you can see the parallels. In fact, in the graph below, I compare the price of risk in both the equity and bond markets across time:

In most years, equity risk premiums and bond default spreads move in the same direction, as was the case in 2024. That should come as little surprise, since the forces that cause investors to spike up premiums (fear) or bid them down (hope and greed) cut across both markets. In fact, lookin a the ratio of the equity risk premium to the default spread, you could argue that equity risk premiums are too high, relative to bond default spreads, and that you should see a narrowing of the difference, either with a lower equity premium (higher stock prices) or a higher default spread on bonds.

    The decline of fear in corporate bond markets can be captured on another dimension as well, which is in bond issuances, especially by companies that face high default risk. In the graph below, I look at corporate bond issuance in 2024, broken down into investment grade (BBB or higher) and high yield (less than BBB). 

Note that high yield issuances which spiked in 2020 and 2021, peak greed years, almost disappeared in 2022. They made a mild comeback in 2023 and that recovery continued in 2024. 

    Finally, as companies adjust to a new interest rate environment, where short terms rates are no longer close to zero and long term rates have moved up significantly from the lows they hit before 2022, there are two other big shifts that have occurred, and the table below captures those shifts:

First, you will note that after a long stretch, where the percent of bond that were callable declined, they have spiked again. That should come as no surprise, since the option, for a company, to call back a bond is most valuable, when you believe that there is a healthy chance that rates will go down in the future. When corporates could borrow money at 3%, long term, they clearly attached a lower likelihood to a rate decline, but as rates have risen, companies are rediscovering the value of having a  calculability option. Second, the percent of bond issuances with floating rate debt has also surged over the last three years, again indicating that when rates are low, companies were inclined to lock them in for the long term with fixed rate issuances, but at the higher rates of today,  they are more willing to let those rates float, hoping for lower rates in future years.

In Conclusion
    I spend much of my time in the equity market, valuing companies and assessing risk. I must confess that I find the bond market far less interesting, since so much of the focus is on the downside, and while I am glad that there are other people who care about that, I prefer to operate in a space where there there is more uncertainty. That said, though, I dabble in bond markets because what happens in those markets, unlike what happens in Las Vegas, does not stay in bond markets. The spillover effects into equity markets can be substantial, and in some cases, devastating. In my posts looking back at 2022, I noted how a record bad year for bond markets, as both treasury and corporate bonds took a beating for the ages, very quickly found its ways into stocks, dragging the market down. On that count, bond markets had a quiet year in 2024, but they may be overdue for a clean up.


Data Links

  1. Intrinsic risk free rates and Nominal interest rates
  2. Bond Default Spreads and Equity Risk Premiums

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